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Integration of external force measurement


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Hello everyone,

Is it possible to connect an external load cell to an ARAMIS Adjustable System? The force measurement has an RS232 connector and the GOM controller also. The operating instructions do not say whether the GOM controller is an input or output. We would like to record the force in addition to the displacement during the measurement.

I would be pleased to receive feedback.

Thank you very much!

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Hello Korbinian,
you can connect your load cell via the BNC analog connectors on your testing controller. These data channels are automatically recorded during your measurements and you can add a gain, offset and unit to them.
There is no direct input via RS232 (because of the diversity of transportlayers, protocols, data formats, ...).
If your problem is not solved by the BNC connector and/or you want to get more into detail, please get in contact with our support, and/ or your regional sales partner.

Best regards,


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